Brand Review: Bath & Body Sleep Lotion/Body Splash
Heeeeello people!
Have been really busy with work lately!
Oh did i mention i found a job?
I'm working at Wheelock place now,
and you're in town and need a lunch buddy, text me! (:
And i'm really excited cos my taiwan trip is finally confirmed!
flying there end of june! :D
But too bad strawberries won't be in season then,
can't go to the strawberry farm! ):
I wanna go to Leofoo Village,
which is a multi-theme themepark cum safari!
Hahahas, sounds interesting enough!
Anyway, one of my readers, Blumegal send me a package
with two travel sized Bath & Body products!
Heeeeello people!
Have been really busy with work lately!
Oh did i mention i found a job?
I'm working at Wheelock place now,
and you're in town and need a lunch buddy, text me! (:
And i'm really excited cos my taiwan trip is finally confirmed!
flying there end of june! :D
But too bad strawberries won't be in season then,
can't go to the strawberry farm! ):
I wanna go to Leofoo Village,
which is a multi-theme themepark cum safari!
Hahahas, sounds interesting enough!
Anyway, one of my readers, Blumegal send me a package
with two travel sized Bath & Body products!

So cute right! :D
Sleep Body Lotion & Japanese Cherry Blossom

Sleep Body Lotion
What the product description says:
Sleep well,
Lavender Essential Oil sootes and calms so you can sleep better
Chamomile Essential Oil has a lulling effect to enhance sleep
What do I say:
I've always have problems sleeping,
and sometimes i could just stay wide awake for hours and hours in bed
cos i tend to think so much, till i'm unable to just relax and rest.
Even if i get to sleep, i wake up feeling really un-rested!
So i was really excited to try this lotion that promise
to let me have a good night sleep!
For the 1st night,
i figured that since i'll be able to smell the lavender/camomile
blend lotion better if the scent is on my arms.
(Since my hands will always be like beside my face when i'm sleeping)
The product was quickly absorbed into my skin
and left a sweet soothing & calming smell,
i swore i fell asleep really quickly after that!
And i woke up feeling really rested and it felt SO good!

Thinking that it might be just psychological,
I used it again that night, and it was another good night sleep. (:
I guess i've found my ultimate "weapon" for my sleeping problem!
Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Splash
What do I say:
I like to travel sized bottle! Hahaha, so cute!
It has a really sweet floral scent
(Duh, it's jap cherry blossoms right!)
but it's a weeeee bit too strong for my liking.
I like something lighter and more refreshing!
But i find that the scent last even longer than the
Victoria Secret Body Splash i'm currently using.
Like even after i took a bathe, the scent is still there!
Power to Bath & Body Works! Hahahas.
I was told that sweet pea, moonlight path, japanese cherry blossom
are the more popular scents in the range and I'd love to try out
the other scents in the series!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
Gotta end here, Need to go sleep soon! (: